Time to improve, a proven way!
As my daughter grows older. I´m realising she needs me in a very different capacity. These different demands are giving me the opportunity and time to reflect on my own life and goals. So, as I gain back a little of my independence I am recognising that my life needs a little reflection and improvement. I am, after all, still her role model and want her to see me execute what I preach to her as vital life skills. From my day to day life in a classroom I saw the importance of teaching the Scientific Method. This foolproof way of questioning, experimenting, observing, analysing and reflecting drives forward learning often through failure but if you cannot fail, you cannot learn. I have reflected on my teaching practice and recognise that I need to improve my skills for the benefit of my students but what about outside the classroom. I believe this often neglected part of life needs as much reflection and improvement . So, here I go. Using the ...