Lockdown Science! - Question 1 (wrinkles v exercise)
Right, we're on Day 32 I think of lockdown. Even though I'm a teacher my role this academic year was not classroom facing so like many others my working life has been furloughed. This is a very strange and bizarre situation. I'm itching to keep working, feeling guilty but realising this is the perfect time to undergo some stay at home scientific experiments to answer some of the questions buzzing round my head...
These questions range from personal to professional to self indulgent to slightly mad but questions none the less and questions lead to research that leads to experiments to try and answer them.
So let's go for it!
Question 1
Can I influence the look of wrinkles on my face?
I have spent way too much time in the house and that means time to look in mirrors. I'm beginning to think that this year I have appeared to age significantly. I've never been that precious about my appearance, rarely wearing makeup, but now I've turned 40 I seem to be constantly asking myself, ´Do I look old?'. And I think I do!
I compare myself to this time last year and I feel my facial appearance is yes older looking but is there more to it? My lifestyle over the last year has changed significantly. Has this had an effect on my face? This time last year the climate I lived in was warmer, I ate a different diet, I spent more time outside but one thing that I'd like to concentrate on is that I used to ride a bike to work every day. It wasn't that far, it was flat in a city but my gut feeling is that short time I spent on the bike did something to me and it was shown on my face. Did it make me look younger?
So I researched this hunch.
Of course on the internet you can find whatever answer you are looking for and I saw many articles for and against. But there was one study that lots of articles cited. The research paper was this https://www.pnas.org/content/108/10/4135.abstract but is perfectly explained in this New York Times Article https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/04/16/younger-skin-through-exercise/
In summary, the research showed that exercise benefits skin by counteracting the normal age related changes to our skin layers. Further studies showed that when diet and other factors were taken into account the changes were still occurring due to exercise. Age 40 seemed to be the magic number when age related changes seem to kick off. But, I was reassured to hear that moderate exercise could slow this so all is not lost!
So, Can I influence the look of wrinkles on my face? After my research I am going to alter this question to:
Can exercise change the visible effects of aging on my face?
Hypothesis: Yes, I believe my facial skin will appear healthier, more youthful and more vibrant.
Over 4 weeks I will incorporate cycling into my daily routine to replicate the lifestyle of 1 year ago when I felt my face appeared visibly younger. I have chose 4 weeks as it takes your skin this long to replace its self.
In order to measure the changes I will photograph and analyse my face weekly. Asking myself the following questions:
These questions range from personal to professional to self indulgent to slightly mad but questions none the less and questions lead to research that leads to experiments to try and answer them.
So let's go for it!
Question 1
Can I influence the look of wrinkles on my face?
I have spent way too much time in the house and that means time to look in mirrors. I'm beginning to think that this year I have appeared to age significantly. I've never been that precious about my appearance, rarely wearing makeup, but now I've turned 40 I seem to be constantly asking myself, ´Do I look old?'. And I think I do!
I compare myself to this time last year and I feel my facial appearance is yes older looking but is there more to it? My lifestyle over the last year has changed significantly. Has this had an effect on my face? This time last year the climate I lived in was warmer, I ate a different diet, I spent more time outside but one thing that I'd like to concentrate on is that I used to ride a bike to work every day. It wasn't that far, it was flat in a city but my gut feeling is that short time I spent on the bike did something to me and it was shown on my face. Did it make me look younger?
So I researched this hunch.
Of course on the internet you can find whatever answer you are looking for and I saw many articles for and against. But there was one study that lots of articles cited. The research paper was this https://www.pnas.org/content/108/10/4135.abstract but is perfectly explained in this New York Times Article https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/04/16/younger-skin-through-exercise/
In summary, the research showed that exercise benefits skin by counteracting the normal age related changes to our skin layers. Further studies showed that when diet and other factors were taken into account the changes were still occurring due to exercise. Age 40 seemed to be the magic number when age related changes seem to kick off. But, I was reassured to hear that moderate exercise could slow this so all is not lost!
So, Can I influence the look of wrinkles on my face? After my research I am going to alter this question to:
Can exercise change the visible effects of aging on my face?
Hypothesis: Yes, I believe my facial skin will appear healthier, more youthful and more vibrant.
Over 4 weeks I will incorporate cycling into my daily routine to replicate the lifestyle of 1 year ago when I felt my face appeared visibly younger. I have chose 4 weeks as it takes your skin this long to replace its self.
In order to measure the changes I will photograph and analyse my face weekly. Asking myself the following questions:
- Do fine lines appear less? (rate same or on +/- scale)
- Do large wrinkles (mouth and between eyebrows) appear less?
- How does the skin feel?
- What is the overall appearance in colour?
- What is the overall appearance in vitality/freshness?
- Are there any skin blemishes such as spots, eczema or trouble areas?
I will keep my skin care routine the same.
I will keep my diet the same.
I will keep my caffeine and alcohol intake the same.
I will keep my sleep patterns the same.
Day one will be today (Friday 24th April, 2020).
I will take the measurements on the following dates.
Friday 24th April, 2020 - Start
Friday 1st May, 2020 - Week 1
Friday 8th May, 2020 - Week 2
Friday 15th May 2020, - Week 3
Friday 22nd May, 2020 - Finish
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